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Atkins-Pollard, Marilyn
Hall of Fame Inductees
Female Athletes
Day, Catherine
Johnston, Joanne
Simpson-Routley, Marcia
Bachus-Duchene, Elsie
Baker-Irwin, Joan
Baulcomb, Laurie
Boley-Tripp, Susan
Bortolotto-Dauw, Debbie
Bradley-Huber, Wendy
Burnett, Jackie
Christian, Jody
Cook, Gail
DeBakker, Lorri
Fraleigh, Anne Marie
Franssen, Yvonne
Freisen, Susan Asselstine
Gilhuly, Jane
Gittens, Jamie
Gormley, Rita Judson
Heath, Brittany
Helbin, Kelly
Kilbride, Sylke
Kerwin, Beth
Truan, Mary Jenkins
Ursel, Wendy (Shaw)
Lucier, Brenda
VanWinden, Lisa McCarron
McGee, Jane
White, Gladys
McPhee, Patricia Sherwood
Williams-Bowsher, Yvette
Mitchell, Cheryl
Ramsey, Madge Duchene
Shaw, Dorothy
Shepley, Janet
Coveny, Marion
Hogan, Jacqueline
Simpson, Karen
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