Jackie Burnett

Builder - Inducted 2022
As a young girl growing up in the U.K., Jackie loved playing the game of football (or soccer as we call it in North America). She played there for many years before coming to Canada 40 years ago in 1982.
Wallaceburg Minor Soccer would become a beneficiary of Jackie’s passion for the sport as she became heavily involved with minor soccer for many years. Jackie enjoyed serving the community of Wallaceburg and figures that during her time about 900 kids were involved in minor soccer.
Jackie has loved every minute of her involvement in teaching the children how to enjoy the game and how to play as a team. She is very proud of the kids she helped along the way. Many former minor soccer players have gone on to become productive members of society, and they are now raising families and giving back to their communities. She takes her hat off to all the parents and coaches who take time out of their very busy lives to help teach the sport and the values of being on a team.